Давай пограємось!


Lesson 2

Тема. Давай пограємось!


Навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, учити вести бесіду, слухати співрозмовника; повторити правила читання голосних у закритому складі;

Розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу й зорову пам’ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику й артикуляцію звуків, усні комунікативні вміння з опорою на наочність;

Виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу, культуру спілкування, зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Обладнання: картки

за темою “Іграшки”, іграшки.

Хід уроку


1. Game: Guess!

Choose one word from Lesson 1, draw a picture of it adding one little detail at a time. After adding each new detail, ask “What’s this?” and say “Guess!” until the pupils guess correctly. Complete the drawing and say, “Yes. Well done. It’s a…”


2. Listen and repeat (p. 26, ex. 1).

Teach four of the eight words using the toy flashcards.

Hold the flashcard so that the whole class can see it. If necessary, walk round the room and show it to the pupils.

Say the word clearly. Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four times.

Write the words and put the flashcards under the words. Ask the pupils to say the letters of the words.

When you have practiced the four words thoroughly, teach the other four words. Use the flashcards and follow the same procedure.

Make sentences using the structures “This is…”, “I see…”,

“I have got…”, “He / She has got…”

If you mostly have good pupils, you may divide them into two teams and play a game. A pupil from one team says a sentence. If it is correct, the team wins a point. If the pupil does not make a sentence, the other team can try to say the sentence – to win a bonus point.


3. Work in pairs (p. 26, ex. 2).

Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and point at each speaker in turn.

In pairs, pupils read and practice the dialogue only. One or two pairs act out the dialogue.

In pairs, pupils read and practice the dialogue using some other toy flashcard, for example, “a bear” and the words “Christmas present” and “brown”. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Write the words on the board to help the pupils to act out the dialogue.

4. Listen and read (p. 27, ex. 3).

Tell the pupils to look at the picture on p. 27, ex. 3. Read the sentences. In their native language, ask the pupils to guess what they think the boy is doing. Then repeat the question in English.

Read the text, pausing after each sentence. Pupils repeat the sentence chorally and individually.

Tell the pupils that they are going to read the text too.

Read the sentences again.

Pupils read the text.


5. Choose and say (p. 27, ex. 4).

Read the sentences and choose the right answers. Ask the exemplary pupils to do the task first. Pupils listen and follow in their books. Then other pupils can repeat it.

Key: 1. The story is about a boy and his toy. 2. Roy has got a plane. 3. Ray has got a lorry.

6. Find and say. Write (p. 27, ex. 5).

This activity helps the pupils associate spoken sounds with written letters. Explain the task in English.

Read the text (p. 27, ex. 3) again.

Find the “R r” words.

Ask the pupils to write the words on the board or you can do it yourself to save time.

Make up sentences with the “R r” words.

Example: Roy has got toys. Ray is a robot, etc.

7. Listen and read (p. 27, ex. 6).

Read the drills. Draw the pupils’ attention to the vowel sounds.

Do choral and individual repetition.

8. Speak English (p. 27, ex. 7).

Ask the pupils to say some sentences about their toys, using the patterns.


Finish with a Memory Game. Stick toy flashcards to the board. Pupils close their eyes while you remove one flashcard. Pupils then open their eyes and try and remember what is missing. They can either say the word or write it down.


Do ex. 3 and ex. 6, p. 27.

Learn the new words.

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Давай пограємось! - Плани-конспекти уроків по англійській мові