If-Sentences. Welcome Back
І семестр
Тема. If-Sentences. Welcome Back!
Мета: вдосконалювати навички читання й усного мовлення; практикувати учнів у ММ і ДМ за проблемними ситуаціями, розвивати логічне й аналітичне мислення; формувати навички непідготовленого усного мовлення; розвивати пізнавальний інтерес, аудитивну пам’ять та увагу.
I. Організація класу. Привітання
II. Підготовка до іноземного мовлення
Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.
III. Основна частина уроку
A) Ex. 1, р. 4 – Look at the photos and answer the questions:
– What places are there
– Whom can you see there?
– What are the children doing?
B) Ex. 2, p. 4 – Speak in class.
Describe the children’s feelings on their first day at school. You may use the following worlds:
– to feel excited (shy etc.)
– to be curious about
– to be delighted with
– to show great interest
– to imagine
– to get acquainted with
– to share summer impressions with classmates, etc.
C) Ex. 3, p. 4 – Listen and read the dialogues. Say how the children feel on their first day at school.
D) How brave are you?
You never know what’s going to happen tomorrow! Here are some of the things that we think may happen tomorrow. Decide what you will do if they happen and write will or won’t in the gaps. Then, you can find out how brave you are. Remember, you must tell the truth!
– If my friend dares me to tickle the teacher, I ___ do it.
– If the school bully wants my money, I ___ hit him / her.
– If I see a teacher
– If the sports teacher allows us to dive off the highest board, I______________________________________________ ___ do it.
– If someone runs off with my best friend’s bag, I ____ run after him / her.
– If the principal asks me to sing in front of the whole school, I______________________________________________ ___ do it.
– If I really hurt myself during a football match, I ____ continue playing.
– If the most frightening teacher in the whole school makes a mistake, I ____ tell him / her.
– If I see a huge spider, I ____ catch it and keep it in my pocket all day.
– If I haven’t done my homework, I ____ tell the teacher that I couldn’t be bothered.
Now, to find out how brave you are, count how many Wills and how many Won’ts you have. If you have a lot of Wills you are very brave. If you have a lot of Won’ts you are frightened of everything.
IV. Завершальна частина уроку
Домашнє завдання
Ех. 4, р. 5.
Підсумки уроку
Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.