У нас свято
Lesson 4. У нас свято
– навчальна: презентувати новий лексичний матеріал за підтемами “Покупки”, “Свята та традиції”, практикувати мовні засоби за підтемами “Покупки”, “Свята та традиції”, описувати тазапитувати про повсякденні справи, формування навичок вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання та аудіювання, збільшувати обсяг знань про лінгвістичну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдосконалення умінь будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;
– виховна: виховувати уміння сконцентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі.
Обладнання: картки за темою “Покупки”, “Свята та традиції”.
Хід уроку
1. Pair work: Pupils each draw a picture of a fridge or a shopping bag, with several different sorts of food in it. They then take turns to ask each other questions to find out what is in their different fridges: “Have you got a bottle
2. Listen and repeat (p. 75, ex. 1).
Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.
Read out the caption for each of the pictures in turn, while pupils listen and look at the pictures. Use board flashcards.
Pupils take turns to read out the words. Help with pronunciation.
Repeat with every pupil. If you have enough time, make sentences with every word or ask questions about this food: “Do you like popcorn/cherries/ biscuits? What is sweet? Where do we buy this food?” etc.
3. Listen and say (p. 75, ex. 2).
Pre-listening: Ask pupils to look at the picture. Ask to describe their clothes. Ask to guess what party the children are going to have?
While-listening: Read the dialogue while pupils listen and read silently.
Explain any words that pupils ask for.
Read the dialogue again. Pronounce the words clearly.
Pupils listen and repeat.
Pupils listen to the dialogue again and then read the dialogues themselves.
Post-listening: When pupils are familiar with the text, ask pairs of pupils to act out the dialogue.
Pair work: Then read the dialogues in pairs. Do choral and individual repetition of difficult words. Follow the same procedure three or four times.
4. Ask and answer (p. 76, ex. 3).
Explain to pupils that they are going to ask and answer the questions.
Ask pupils to read the questions in silence.
Ask a bright pupil the first question from the list.
A pupil answers. If it is difficult to answer, help him/her.
Ask the second question. Do the same procedure. Ask some other pupils.
Do choral and individual repetition.
Pair work: Pupils read and answer the questions.
Monitor the activity and help where necessary.
Reading and Writing
5. Match the sentences with the pictures (p. 76, ex. 4).
Ask pupils to look at the sentences and read them.
Then ask pupils to look at the pictures of the exercise. They must match the sentences with the pictures.
Pupils may also be asked to write sentences down in their copybooks and write a letter of the picture after it.
Answers: 1. e; 2. b; 3. c; 4. а; 5. d.
Pay pupils’ attention to the Section ‘Remember’.
Read the nouns in every column. Pay attention to sounds /s/, /z/ and /iz/ at the end of every noun. Explain in the native language the reading rule of nouns in plural. Say that there are some other words like child-children which have no sounds /s/, /z/ and /iz/ at the end.
Do choral and individual repetition.
Monitor the activity and help where necessary.
6. Choose and find (p. 77, ex. 5).
Remind pupils they must use a/an with nouns in singular only: ‘a+consonant’ and ‘an+vowel’ and ‘some’ with nouns in plural or uncountable.
Pupils read the sentences and choose the correct answer. Ask pupils to explain why they choose this or that variant.
Ask some pupils to go to the board and write the sentences on it while the others are writing in their copybooks.
Answers 1. some; 2. There are some balloons…/ There is a balloon…; 3. some; 4. a; 5. some.
Then read the words in the table and pay attention to the rule again.
Ending the Lesson
7. a) Write a list (p. 78, ex. 6).
Ask pupils to write a list of things he/she needs for his/her party.
Pupils may write six or seven words. Ask a pupil to write these words on the board.
B) Ask and answer in pairs.
Explain to pupils that they are going to ask and answer the questions.
Ask pupils to read the questions in silence.
Ask a bright pupil the first question from the list.
A pupil answers. If it is difficult to answer, help him/her.
Ask the second question. Do the same procedure. Ask some other pupils.
Do choral and individual repetition.
Pair work: Pupils read and answer the questions.
Monitor the activity and help where necessary.
Read p. 75, ex. 1.
Further practice
Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.