II семестр
Цілі: вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання й аудіювання, систематизувати лексичний матеріал з теми, розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника й повагу до культури інших країн.
1. Warm-up
Jigsaw Reading
Cut out and shuffle the parts of the story. Students in pairs have to sort out the cards to make the story up.
Never talk to parrot
Mrs Brody Phoned the repairman because her dishwasher was out of order |
Since she had to go to work, she told him, |
“I’ll |
Fix the dishwasher, leave the bill on the kitchen table, and I’ll mail you a check |
By the way, I have a large rottweiler inside named Killer; he won’t bother you |
I also have a parrot, and whatever you do, don’t talk to the bird!” |
Well, sure enough the dog, Killer, totally ignored the repairman, but the whole time he was there, the parrot cursed, yelled, screamed, and nearly drove him mad |
As he was ready to leave, he couldn’t resist saying, |
“You stupid bird, why don’t you to shut up!” |
To which the bird replied, “Killer, get him!!!” |
2. Speaking Work in pairs.
Using the following model make up your own dialogue changing the underlined words. Then act it out.
A. Where are you going to spend your holidays?
B. I’m going to spend them in the country?
A. How long are you going
B. For a month, I think.
A. Are you going by bus?
B. No, we are going by car.
A. Who are you going with?
B. With my family.
A. Where are you going to live there?
B. At my grandmother’s.
A. What are you going to do there?
B. I don’t know exactly yet. I think, I’ll go hiking and swimming. There’s a river there.
3. Writing
Do Ex. 1, p. 154.
Use the model paragraph below to write paragraphs about other places. Change the words after each number with suitable words from the appropriate column.
(1) Delhi is one of the most exciting cities I’ve ever been to. The hotel (2) I’m spending the weekend in is very (3) comfortable. Some (4) Indian people I met took me to see (5) the Taj Mahal, which is a very (6) impressive monument. They also took me to see (7) the Himalayas. (8) The mountains are incredible. (9) India is a place I’d like to visit again.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Kyiv | I’m staying | Elegant | Ukrainian | St. Sophia’s Cathedral | Beautiful church | The Marinsky Palace | The building is | Ukraine |
Sydney | I found | Cheap | Australian | The opera house | Unusual building | The bush | The wildlife | Australia |
New York | I spent the vacation in | Expensive | American | The Empire State Building | High skyscraper | Niagara Falls | The falls | America |
4. Reading
Do Ex. 2, p. 154
5. Listening
Listen to some advice from the Internet as for a camel and answer the questions.
Winters are the best time for a camel safari. Welcome to the desert Rajasthan in India. Rajasthan’s summers are very hot and dry, so going on a camel safari during this time is virtually impossible. November to March, when days are cool (and nights cold!) is when most camel safaris are organized.
Desert nights can get very cold, so it’s essential to take along warm sweaters and jackets. >
1) What is the best time for a camel safari?
2) Where does it usually take place?
3) What should you take with you?
6. Summary
1) What outdoor activities, in your opinion, can you have in India?
2) What activities would you like to have: water sports or wildlife tourism?
7. Homework
Ex. 3, p. 155.