І семестр




Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення й письма; учити робити пропозицію; розвивати мовленнєву реакцію учнів; виховувати доброзичливе ставлення до співрозмовника.


1. Warm-up

Answer the questions.

1) What is your favourite lesson?

2) How many lessons have you got every day?

3) How often have you got English lessons?

Clap your hands if the sentence is correct.

1) We count in the music class.

2) We sing in the music class.

3) We read in the drawing lesson.

4) We speak English at the English lesson.

5) We write in the drawing class.


We read in the reading lesson.

7) We speak Ukrainian at the Literature lesson.

8) We jump at the Physical Training lesson.

9) We run at the Maths lesson.

10) We do the sums at the Maths lesson.

2. Speaking

Making suggestions

Refer pupils to the box Making suggestions. Point out the five dif­ferent ways of making suggestions and practice the example exchange T-P to show how to use the information in the chart to make them.

Practise the examples chorally and individually.

Give pupils some practice in making suggestions in different ways by giving cues for suggestions, e. g.

Making suggestions

Replying suggestions




Why don’t we

We would like to

We can

What about… ?

What about

Go to the cinema / have a pic­nic /

Play football / go to the beach /

Walk in the woods / buy some stickers /


a cup of coffee /

A record / a cup of coffee

Reading an article?

Searching it through the In­ternet?




All right.

Good idea.

That’s a good idea

Sorry, I can’t.


Sorry, I can’t.

I’m too tired.

How about. / going to the theatre / … in­stead.

Sample dialogues

– Let’s go to the cinema tonight.

– Sorry, I can’t. How about going to the theatre instead tomorrow?

– Why don’t we go to the cinema? / What about going to the cinema?

– That’s a good idea.

– I’m so thirsty.

– What about some orange juice?

Practise short dialogues in pairs or in chain, one by one.

3. Reading and speaking

Do Ex. 1, p. 12 and find suggestions there. Use the phrases from the box to exchange them.

4. Speaking

Do Ex. 2, p. 12.

5. Writing

Fill in the gaps in the dialogue and then in pairs make your own one.

Music a CD birthday an alarm clock present a book

Ruth: What shall we give Carol for her ___?

Joan: What about__ ?

Ruth: I’m not sure.

Joan: What do you suggest then?

Ruth: Let’s give her ___.

Joan: That’s not a very exciting ___.

Ruth: Why don’t we give her? She enjoys listening to ___.

Joan: That’s a good idea.

6. Speaking

Practise the new vocabulary.

Let’s learn new words.

Stick the slips with these words onto the blackboard (or write down) and ask pupils to find new words for them or the words they have known at the lesson and write them down into their vocabularies: information, column, language, newspaper, share, letter, suggest, learn, suggestion, computer, heading, advice

Find these words in Ex. 1,2 and explain the word share. I share a room with my brother.

Practise the new words chorally giving Ukrainian equivalents.

7. Speaking Work in pairs.

Do Ex. 3, p. 12.

Student A

Student B

Is making suggestions

To make a survey

To take photos

To search the information / pictures

Through the Internet

To share ideas with somebody

To think out interesting headings

To write an article about…

To prepare quizzes and crosswords

Agrees or disagrees

I (don’t) think it’s good

(useful, interesting, really good)

Great idea.

That’s a good idea.

I’ve got a better idea.

That sounds good / great.

How about. instead

8. Summary

Name as many words as you can which are connected with making a newspaper or a magazine.

9. Homework

You’re going to have a party with your classmates. Write down some suggestions for decorations and transforming the classroom.

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LET’S MAKE A SCHOOL NEWSPAPER - Плани-конспекти уроків по англійській мові