Ми святкуємо


Lesson 6

Тема. Ми святкуємо


Навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці, граматичні структури, вивчити нову римівку;

Розвивальна: розвивати інтелектуальні й пізнавальні здібності, різні типи пам’яті – слухову, зорову, оперативну, тривалу, увагу, уяву, учити працювати в парі, групі, логічно висловлювати думку, розвивати соціокультурну компетенцію;

Виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, риси характеру:

доброзичливість, толерантність, активність, повагу і любов до всіх членів родини, культуру спілкування, зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

Обладнання: картки й плакат до теми “Свята”.

Хід уроку


1. Odd one out. Write five words on the board, four of which belong to a lexical set (e. g., winter holidays, food, Easter, birthday party, verbs) and one that does not. Pupils have to say which word does not belong to the set (an Easter egg, a hot cross bun, a paska, an Easter basket, a Christmas tree – the odd one out is a Christmas tree; it is not an Easter word). This can also be played with drawings or pictures on the board.


2. Listen, match and say (p. 114, ex. 1).

Read the word combinations from the box. Pupils listen. Say the words clearly and point at the pictures on the board. Do choral and individual repetition.

Now write the words below the pictures and repeat

chorally and individually. Leave the pictures and the words of all the activities on the board and play a miming game. Mime swimming in the swimming pool and ask the pupils to say what you are doing. Mime other activities from the box. Ask the pupils to name the activities.

Rub the words off the board, leaving the pictures, and play the miming game again. Ask individual pupils to come to the front of the class and mime something for the rest of the class to guess.

After playing: Keep the books open. Read the word combinations again.

Ask the pupils to match the words with the pictures in the book saying the number.

Read the word combinations. Pupils name the number of the picture. Correct the answers if necessary.


3. Work in pairs (p. 114, ex. 2).

Read the instructions. Pupils listen.

Pupil A reads a question. Pupil В gives an answer.

Then they swap roles.

Write the questions in the table to help the pupils to make questions. Use the pictures instead of the words if you like and continue to play.

Do you


Watch TV

At parties?


Eat a cake

Wear costumes

Help to cook

Give presents

4. Speak in class (p. 114, ex. 3).

Ask an exemplary pupil to tell the class what he / she knows about his / her friend.


Mother makes a chocolate cake.

How many eggs does she break?

1, 2, 3…

(To make this a little more difficult, you can “break” more eggs.)


5. Listen, read and say (p. 115, ex. 4).

Ask the pupils to look at the pictures.

Ask the pupils to read the text in silence.

Read the text and explain the new words: celebrates, countries, honour, jewellery and a handmade card. If necessary, translate it into their native language.

Pupils listen and read the text.

Then pupils take turns to read the text. They point at the picture.

Pupils read and practice it.

Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties in reading.

6. Choose and say (p. 115, ex. 5).

Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually and choose the correct answers, “Yes” or “No”.

Key: 1. No. 2. Yes. 3. Yes.

7. Write. Open the brackets (p. 115, ex. 6).

Explain the task.

Write the text on the board.

Ask the pupils to read the text and open the brackets using the grammar rules. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties in reading or writing the words on the board.

Key: 1. Is; 2. asks; 3. is; 4. says; 5. is; 6. Do you like…?; 7. do; 8. have; 9. is; 10. Does; 11. asks; 12. does; 13. write.


8. Speak English (p. 115, ex. 7).

Ask the pupils to describe Mother’s Day in Ukraine.


Read the text (p. 115, ex. 4).

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