Мій домашній улюбленець
Lesson 2
Тема. Мій домашній улюбленець
Навчальна: повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці, буквосполучення та їх читання, питальні структури, закріпити вивчені лексичні одиниці та ввести нові, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мовлення, вести бесіду, слухати співрозмовника;
Розвивальна: розвивати різні типи пам’яті – слухову, зорову, оперативну, учити працювати у парі, групі, логічно висловлювати думку, спілкуватися, підтримувати високий рівень мотивації до вивчення англійської мови,
Виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу, зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, загальну культуру учнів, любов до тварин, почуття відповідальності за тих, кого приручили.
Обладнання: таблиці “Домашні улюбленці”, фото тварин-улюбленців.
Хід уроку
1. Dictation:
Give a simple “Picasso dictation”, in which pupils listen and draw what they hear instead of writing it down word for word.
Demonstrate or explain the procedure to the pupils. Then dictate each part of the following description two or three times, giving the pupils plenty of time to draw their pictures: “I’ve got a pet. It is little. It’s got two ears and a nose. The nose is pink. It’s got four
Pupils answer and show their pictures.
2. Listen and repeat (p. 86, ex. 1).
Teach and then drill the new words shown in the pictures, pupils listen and repeat.
Ask “What’s this?” as you point at the picture again. Pupils answer.
Pupils take turns to read out the words. Help with pronunciation. If you have time, try to make up sentences with the words.
3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 86, ex. 2).
Some pupils read the questions and others answer them, using the pictures (p. 84, ex. 1) and pointing at the pictures in their books or on the board.
Write a table with questions on the board to help the pupils to make questions. You can use pictures of the new words instead of the words.
Where do your | Fish | Live? | They live | In the aquarium. |
Dogs | In the dog-house. | |||
Parrots | In the cage. |
4. Listen and answer (p. 86, ex. 3).
Pupils look at the picture.
Ask the pupils to read the questions individually.
Pair work: Pupils read and answer the questions in pairs.
Check the answers.
Repeat with a different pupil, but this time let the pupil choose who will answer his / her questions.
Repeat with several different pupils.
Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.
5. Look and say (p. 87, ex. 4).
Ask the pupils to look at the table.
Explain how to use the table.
Read the examples.
Then make up some other examples. If necessary, write them on the board. Read out each part of the sentences individually and chorally.
6. Read and complete (p. 87, ex. 5).
Look at the picture. Ask some questions: “What animal is it? Is it a pet? Have you got a hamster?”
Look at the table. Read the words.
Read the sentences and fill in the gaps.
Key: 1. sleep; 2. eat; 3. eat; 4. don’t eat tomatoes; 5. don’t drink; 6. make.
7. Write.
Look at the photos.
Name the pets. Ask what colour they are.
Ask where they can live.
Then ask the pupils to write what the pets like to eat. Pupils write down the sentences in their copy books. You can write them down on the board to check the spelling and save time.
8. Speak English (p. 87, ex. 7).
Ask the pupils to describe their pets. Use some pictures or photos they have brought.
Use the questions (p. 86, ex. 2).
Describe your pet.
Animal Book: Each pupil contributes a page. Get the pupils to draw or find a picture of some animal and write a short description.